Minc Lab | Publications Highlighted 71. Xie J, Najafi J, Nommick A, Lederer L, Sallé J, Dmitrieff S, Lacroix B, Dumont J and Minc N (2025) "Cell Shape Modulates Mitotic Spindle Positioning Forces via Intracellular Hydrodynamics", Current Biology, In Press. Download 2024 70. Nommick A, Xie J, Minc N (2024) "Manipulation of Spindle Position Using Magnetic Tweezers in Sea Urchin Embryos", Methods Mol Biol, 2025:2872:87-100. Download 69. Reignier Y, Minc N (2024) "Analysis of Cell Wall Mechanics in Fission Yeast", Methods Mol Biol, 2025;2862:77-91. Download 68. Chevalier L, Klingelschmitt F, Mousseron L, Minc N (2024) "Mechanical Strategies Supporting Growth and Size Diversity in Filamentous Fungi", Molecular Biology of the Cell, E24-04-0171. Download 67. Xie J, Levy D, Minc N, Sallé J (2024) "Manipulation of Embryonic Cleavage Geometry Using Magnetic Tweezers", Cell Cycle Control: Methods and Protocols, 125-140. Download 66. Chenevert J, Robert M, Sallé J, Cacchia S, Lorca T, Castro A, McDougall A, Minc N, Castagnetti S, Dumont J, Lacroix B (2024) "Measuring Mitotic Spindle and Microtubule Dynamics in Marine Embryos and Non-model Organisms", Cell Cycle Control: Methods and Protocols, 187-210. Download 2023 65. Arjona MI, Najafi J, Minc N (2023) "Cytoplasm mechanics and cellular organization", Curr. Op. in Cell Biol., Volume 85, 102278. Download 64. Saleh J, Fardin MA, Barai A, Soleilhac M, Frenoy O, Gaston C, Cui H, Dang T, Gaudin N, Vincent A, Minc# N, Delacour# D (2023) "Length limitation of astral microtubules orients cell divisions in murine intestinal crypts", Developmental Cell, 58(17):1519-1533. Download 63. Najafi J, Dmitrieff D and Minc N (2023) "Size- and position-dependent cytoplasm viscoelasticity through hydrodynamic interactions with the cell surface", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120 (9) e2216839120. Download 62. Guevara-Garcia A, Soleilhac M, Minc N, Delacour D (2023) "Regulation and functions of cell division in the intestinal tissue", Semin Cell Dev Biol. 24:S1084-9521(23)00004-6. Download 61. Chevalier L, Pinar M, Le Borgne R, Durieu C, Peñalva M, Boudaoud A and Minc N (2023) "Cell wall dynamics stabilize tip growth in a filamentous fungus" , PLoS Biology; 21(1):e3001981 Download 2022 60. Municio-Diaz C, Muller E, Drevensek S, Fruleux A, Lorenzetti Z, Boudaoud A and Minc N (2022) "Mechanobiology of the cell wall – insights from tip-growing plant and fungal cells" , J Cell Science, 135 (21): jcs259208. Download 59. Letort G, Eichmuller A, Da Silva C, Nikalayevich E, Crozet F, Salle J, Minc N, Labrune E, Wolf J-P, Terret M-E, Verlhac M-H (2022) "An interpretable and versatile machine learning approach for oocyte phenotyping" , J Cell Science, 135 (13): jcs260281. Download 58. Xie J, Najafi J, Le Borgne R, Verbavatz J-M, Durieu C, Sallé J, and Minc N (2022) "Contribution of cytoplasm viscoelastic properties to mitotic spindle positioning" , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119 (8) e2115593119. "Spring-like behavior of cytoplasm holds the mitotic spindle in place", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119 (14) e2203036119 DownloadHighlights 57. Mishra R, Minc N, Peter M (2022) "Cells under pressure: how yeast cells respond to mechanical forces" , Trends Microbiol, S0966-842X(21)00272-9. Download 2021 56. Neeli-Venkata R, Municio Diaz C, Celador R, Sanchez Y, Minc N (2021) "Detection of surface forces by the cell-wall mechanosensor Wsc1 in yeast" , Developmental Cell 56, 1–15 Download 55. Fukui H, Chow RW, Xie J, Foo YY, Yap CH, Minc N, Mochizuki N, Vermot J (2021) "Bioelectric signaling and the control of cardiac cell identity in response to mechanical forces." Science. 2021 (6565):351-354 "Not all stress is bad for your heart", Science, 374(6565): 264-265 DownloadHighlights 54. Sallé J and Minc N (2021) "Cell division geometries as central organizers of early embryo development" , Semin Cell Dev Biol. Aug 18, S1084-9521(21). Download 53. Lenne PF,...,Minc N,..., Tlili S (2021) "Roadmap on multiscale coupling of biochemical and mechanical signals during development" , Phys Biol. 2021, 18(4):10.1088 Download 2020 52. Taheraly S, Ershov D, Dmitrieff S and Minc N (2020) "An image analysis method to survey the dynamics of polar protein abundance in the regulation of tip growth" , J Cell Science, 133(22) Download 51. Palenzuela H, Lacroix B, Sallé J, Minami K, Shima T, Jegou A, Romet-Lemonne G and Minc N (2020) "In Vitro Reconstitution of Dynein Force Exertion in a Bulk Viscous Medium" , Current Biology, 30, 1–7 Download 50. Mukherjee R, Sallé J, Dmitrieff S, Nelson K , Oakey J, Minc# N, Levy# D, (2020) "The perinuclear ER scales nuclear size independently of cell size in early embryos" , Developmental Cell, 54, 395–409 "Nuclear sizER in Early Development", Developmental Cell, 54, 297-298 DownloadHighlights 49. Xie J and Minc N, (2020) "Cytoskeleton Force Exertion in Bulk Cytoplasm" , Front Cell Dev Bio; 8:69 Download 2019 48. Davi V, Chevalier L, Guo H, Tanimoto H, Barrett K, Couturier E, Boudaoud A, and Minc N, (2019) "Systematic mapping of cell wall mechanics in the regulation of cell morphogenesis" , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116(28):13833-13838 Download 47. Dmitrieff S and Minc N, (2019) "Scaling properties of centering forces" , European. Phys. lett. (125), 48001 Download 46. Ershov D and Minc N, (2019) "Modelling Embryonic Cleavage Patterns" , Methods Mol Biol. (1920) :393-406 Download 45. Sallé J, Xie J, Ershov D, Lacassin M, Dmitrieff S and Minc N, (2019) "Asymmetric division through a reduction of microtubule centering forces" J Cell Biol. 218(3):771-782 . "Resistance is futile: Centering forces yield for asymmetric cell division" , J Cell Biol, 10.1083/jcb.201902039 DownloadHighlights 2018 44. Haupt A, Ershov D and Minc N, (2018) "A positive feedback between growth and polarity provides directional persistency and flexibility to the process of tip growth" Current Biology, 28(20):3342-3351. Download 43. Lacroix B, Letort G, Pitayu L, Sallé J, Stefanutti M, Maton G, Ladouceur AM, Canman JC, Maddox PS, Maddox AS, Minc N, Nédélec F, Dumont J. (2018) "Microtubule Dynamics Scale with Cell Size to Set Spindle Length and Assembly Timing." Developmental Cell. 45, 4, 496-511. "The Incredible Shrinking Spindle" , Developmental Cell, 45,4, 421-423 DownloadHighlights 42. Tanimoto H, Sallé J, Dodin L and Minc N (2018) "Physical forces determining the persistency and centring precision of microtubule asters" Nature Physics, 114, 848–854. "Stars take centre stage" , Nature Physics, 14, 778–779 "Un Noyau Paternel à toute épreuve." La Recherche. Juillet-Août 2018. DownloadHighlights 41. Davì V, Tanimoto H, Ershov D, Haupt A, De Belly H, Le Borgne R, Couturier E, Boudaoud A and Minc N., (2018) "Mechanosensation Dynamically Coordinates Polar Growth and Cell Wall Assembly to Promote Cell Survival" Developmental Cell, 45, 2, p170–182. From the Cover. Download 40. Haupt A and Minc N., (2018) "How cells sense their own shape - mechanisms to probe cell geometry and their implications in cellular organization and function." J Cell Sci. 131(6). pii: jcs214015. Download 2017 39. Bizzotto S, Uzquiano A, Dingli F, Ershov D, Houllier A, Arras G, Richards M, Loew D, Minc N, Croquelois A, Houdusse A, Francis F., (2017) "Eml1 loss impairs apical progenitor spindle length and soma shape in the developing cerebral cortex." Sci Rep. 7(1):17308. Download 38. Tanimoto H and Minc N, (2017) "Quantitative approaches for the study of microtubule aster motion in large eggs." Methods in Cell Biology 139:69-80. Download 37. Dumollard R, Minc N, Salez G, Ben Aicha S, Bekkouche F, Hebras C, Besnardeau L, McDougall A., (2017) "The invariant cleavage pattern displayed by ascidian embryos depends on spindle positioning along the cell's longest axis in the apical plane and relies on asynchronous cell divisions.." eLife 2017;10.7554/eLife.19290. Download 36. Salomon J, Gaston C, Magescas J, Duvauchelle B, Canioni D, Sengmanivong L, Mayeux A, Michaux G, Campeotto F, Lemale J, Viala J, Poirier F, Minc N, Schmitz J, Brousse N, Ladoux B, Goulet O, Delacour D.N, (2017) "Contractile forces at tricellular contacts modulate epithelial organization and monolayer integrity." Nat Commun. 8:13998. Download 35. Haupt A and Minc N, (2017) "Gradients of phosphatidylserine contribute to plasma membrane charge localization and cell polarity in fission yeast" Mol. Biol. Cell. 28(1):210-220 Download 2016 34. Pierre A, Sallé J, Wühr M, Minc N., (2016) "Generic Theoretical Models to Predict Division Patterns of Cleaving Embryos." Developmental Cell. 39(6):667-682 Download 33. Tanimoto H, Kimura A, Minc N (2016) "Shape-motion relationships of centering microtubule asters" J Cell Biol 212 (7): 777. "How asters find their center" , J Cell Biol, Short 212 (7): 743 DownloadHighlights 32. Bosveld F, Markova O, Guirao B, Martin C, Wang Z, Pierre A, Balakireva M, Gaugue I, Ainslie A, Christophorou N, Lubensky DK, Minc N, Bellaïche Y, (2016) "Epithelial tricellular junctions act as interphase cell shape sensors to orient mitosis" Nature 530, 495–498 "Memorizing Shape to Orient Cell Division." Dev Cell. 2016;36(6):589-90; "Oriented Division: Using T-Junctions to Determine Direction." Curr Biol. 2016; 26(9):R371-3 DownloadHighlights 2015 31. Bonazzi* D, Haupt* A, Tanimoto H, Delacourt D, Salort D, Minc N, (2015) "Actin-based transport adpapts polarity domain size to local cellular curvature" Curr Biol 25(20):2677-83. Download 30. Davì V and Minc N, (2015) "Mechanics and morphogenesis of fission yeast cells" Curr Opinion Microbiology 28:36-45 Download 29. Zegman Y, Bonazzi D, Minc N, (2015) "Measurement and Manipulation of Cell Size Parameters in Fission Yeast". Methods Cell Biol; 125:423-36 Download 2014 28. Haupt* A, Campetelli* A, Bonazzi* D, Piel M, Chang F, Minc N, (2014) "Electrochemical Regulation of Budding Yeast Polarity". Plos Biology ;12(12):e1002029. Download 27. Chang F and Minc N, (2014) "Electrochemical control of cell and tissue polarity." Ann Rev Cell Dev Biol, Vol 30 Download 26. Bonazzi* D, Julien* JD, Seddiki R, Romao M, Piel M, Boudaoud A, Minc N, (2014) “Symmetry breaking in spore germination relies on an interplay between polar cap stability and spore wall mechanics.” Developmental Cell, 28 (5):534-546 CNRS communiqué de Presse DownloadHighlights 25. Chang F, Atilgan E, Burgess D. and Minc N, (2014) “Manipulating Cell Shape by Placing Cells into Micro-fabricated Chambers” Methods. Mol. Biology, Vol. 1136 24. Minc N (2014) "Microfabricated chambers as force sensors for probing forces of fungal growth." Methods Cell Biol. ;120:215-26. Download 23. Bonazzi, D and Minc N. (2014), "Dissecting the Molecular Mechanisms of Electrotactic Effects ", Advances in Wound Care. , Vol. 3, No. 2: 139-148 Download Previous publications Prior to 2014 2013 22. Campinho P, Behrndt M, Ranft J, Risler T, Minc N, Heisenberg CP. (2013), "Tension-oriented cell divisions limit anisotropic tissue tension in epithelial spreading during zebrafish epiboly", Nat Cell Biol.;15(12):1405-14 21. Minc N, Piel M (2013), "Anthrax receptors position the spindle", Nat Cell Biol. ;15(1):11-3. 2012 20. Proctor*. S, Minc*N., Boudaoud A. and Chang F. (2012), “Contributions of turgor pressure, the contractile ring, and septum assembly on forces in cytokinesis in fission yeast” Curr. Biol., 22(17):1601-08. 19. Campetelli, A. Bonazzi, D., Minc N. (2012) “Electrochemical regulation of cell polarity” Cytoskeleton, 69(9):601-12 18. Minc N. and Piel M. (2012) ,"Predicting division plane position and orientation" Trends Cell Biol., 22(4). 193-200. 2011 17. Minc N. , Burgess, D. and Chang F. (2011), "Influence of cell geometry on division plane positioning" Cell., 144 (3): 414-426. 2010 16. Saliba AE., Saias L., Psychari E., Minc N., Simon D., Bidard FC., Mathiot C., Pierga JY., Fraisier V., Salamero J., Saada V., Farace F., Vielh V., Malaquin L., Viovy JL.,(2010),“Microfluidic Sorting and High Content Multimodal Typing of Cancer Cells in Self-Assembled Magnetic Arrays” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.107(33):524-9. 15. Minc N. and Chang F., (2010), “Electrical control of cell polarization in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe” Curr. Biol., 20(8): 710-716. 2009 14. Minc N., Boudaoud A., Chang F. (2009), “Mechanical forces of fission yeast growth” Curr. Biol., 19(13): 1096-1101. 13. Minc* N., Bratman* S., Basu, R., Chang, F. (2009), “Establishing new sites of polarization by microtubules”, Curr. Biol.,19(2):83-94. *co-authors. Before 2008 12. Le Nel A., Minc N., Smadja C., Slovakova M., Bilkova Z., Peyrin JM., Viovy JL., Taverna M. (2008), “Controlled proteolysis of normal and pathological Prion Protein in a microfluidic chip”, Lab Chip, 8(2):294-301. 11. Saliba A.E., Gosse C., Minc N., Dorfman K., Viovy J.L. (2007), “Magnetic beads self-organization on ni pattern : Application to long DNA electrophoresis”, La Houille Blanche, 6, 10.1051/lhb:2007079 10. Minc N., Slovakova M., Dorfman K.D., Fütterer C., Bokov P., Bilkova Z., Smadga C., Taverna M., Viovy JL. (2006), “Microfluidic systems of self-assembled magnetic particles; application to DNA separation and protein digestion”, La Houille Blanche, 4: 51-54. 9. Bílková Z., Slováková M., Minc N., Füetterer C., Cecal R., Horák D., Benes M., Le Potier I., Krenkova J., Przybylski M., Viovy JL. (2006) “Functionalized magnetic micro and nanoparticles: optimization and application to on-chip tryptic digestion”, Electrophoresis, 27: 1811-24. 8. Slovakova* M., Minc* N., Bilkova Z., Smadja C., Faigle W., Fütterer C., Taverna M., Viovy JL. (2005) Use of self-assembled magnetic beads for protein on-chip digestion, Lab chip 5: 935- 42. *co-authors. 7. Minc N., Viovy J-L., Dorfman K.D. (2005). “Non-Markovian Transport of DNA in Microfluidic Post Array”. Phys. Rev. Lett., 94 (19):198105. 6. Minc* N., Bokov* P., Zeldovich K.B., Fütterer C., Viovy J-L., Dorfman K.D. (2005) Motion of Single Long DNA Molecules Through Arrays of Magnetic Columns. Electrophoresis. 26 :362-375. *co-authors. 5. Descroix S., Le Potier I., Niquet C., Minc N., Viovy J-L., Taverna M. (2005) In-capillary non-covalent labeling of insulin and arg-arg-gastrin for their analysis by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection (ce-lif). J. Chromatogr. A. 1087:203-9. 4. Minc N., Fütterer C., Dorfman K.D., Bancaud A., Gosse C., Goubault C., Viovy JL. (2004) Quantitative Microfluidic Separation of DNA in Self-Assembled Magnetic Matrices. Anal Chem, 76:3770-76. 3. Futterer C., Minc N., Bormuth V., Codarbox J-H., Laval P., Rossier J., Viovy J-L. (2004) Injection and flow control system for microchannels. Lab Chip, 4:351-6. 2. Korecka L., Bilkova Z., Holeapek M., Kralovsky J., Benes J.M., Lenfeld J., Minc N., Cecal R, Viovy JL, Przybylski M. (2004) Utilization of newly developed immobilized enzyme reactors (IMERs) for preparation and study of IgG fragments. J. Chromatogr. B. 808:15-24. 1. Minc N. and Viovy JL. (2004) Microfluidique et applications biologiques : enjeux et tendances Comptes rendus physique, 5:565-75. Patents 1. Futterer C., Minc N., Codarbox J-H., Rossier J., Viovy J-L., (2004) France FR03/06119, International WO2004/103566 2. Minc N., Davi, V., Tanimoto, H., Arkovitz, R., Silva, P. (2016) “Method for the real-time measurement of a wall thickness and uses thereof”, Patent n° WO 2018/033560 A1 3. Minc N., Sallé J., Xie J. (2020) “Méthode d’évaluation des propriétés mécanobiologiques d’un élément cellulaire”, Patent n° FR2010766 Book chapters 1. Weber, J. Minc N. Viovy JL., (2007) "Techniques electrophoretiques", Lahmani, M. (ed). Nano3: Nanobiotechnologies et nanobiologies, Belin Minc Lab | Press Release CNRS 2015 Grant ERC Consolidator Télérama 2015 “La recherche francaise, un continent à la dérive” Paris Diderot 2016 “Percer les secrets d’une cellule”